Hello community, we are back and better than ever! This coming Saturday is our official registration opening to Positive Vibes Summer League for basketball and Cheer. You can register and pay online at www.positivevibesnj.com or wait to pay and fill out a form in person on the dates mentioned in the flyer. Players must pay and have a registration form filled out before tryouts no exceptions. 50$ for a single child 70$ for two and just 20$ three or more same house hold siblings. After late registration the 24th and 25th no player will be allowed to sign up. Season runs April-2nd Week of July before football. Then we follow up with Positive Vibes Fall Ball League for non football players 35$ for non summer league players and 20$ for summer league players you can choose to pay 70$ now and combine the two. More details will be released at a later date for Fall Ball. Thanks! Let's have a great, successful and fun season!
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