"Pictured Some of Positive Vibes HOOD Program Staff"
Positive Vibes Community Group HOOD feeds "Ronald McDonalds House Southern NJ"
The people enjoyed our food so much they kept thanking and complimenting us! Great job everyone! HOOD Helping Our Own Destiny...we the people, helping the people.
"We shouldn't have to be told to do right by each other. If you have sugar and I have salt, and we each need some of the other. It should be human nature to make an even exchange. This way we all thrive and survive. "JT Burks

"Mr. Bullock Hard At Work Doing Meal Prep"

"HOODS Assistant Director Liddian Street and Positive Vibes Youth Leader Tyler Harris Help Cut Open Fish Before It Gets Cooked And Served"

"Destinay Erbie Did An Awesome Job Serving The People"

Positive Vibes HOOD Program does their feeding program once a month. The team really enjoyed helping out. They were even more excited when they received notice from the staff and families pictured above.
#Positive Vibes Better Together
#Feeding Program