Positive Vibes and This Thing Of Ours partnered to host a youth basketball camp called “Chasing Greatness” tracking the participants how hard work paves the way to allow you to be great! They also learned how the game of basketball relays to every day life. Over 45 different kids participated in the week long camp. Coaches were Akeem Johnson of This Thing Of Ours, JT Burks of Positive Vibes and Pastor Preach Griffin of Love Oasis Church. The camp was hosted at Fairfield TWP basketball park.

“Sebastian Martin Leads the line for defensive slides”
Players Learned
Proper Shooting technique
Defensive Slides
Pick and Roll
Agility Drills
Live Game Play
The kids really enjoyed themselves and wanted the camp to keep going longer.

“End Of Camp BBQ”
#Chasing Greatness Camp