I AM Great 6 Positive Vibes Community Group Basketball Camp starts tomorrow we have 46 kids ready and eager to learn the game of basketball from some great instructors.
Camp Rules
R.U.N. Policy will be in full affect!
Each Camper Must Be “Respectful” give respect to earn respect, Understand to have success in anything especially a team sport like basketball it takes unity, cohesiveness, chemistry and “good” communication “Unified” “Nonjudgmental” shouldn’t no one poke fun at anyones game, individuality or life circumstances. If a player can’t follow The RUN policy they will be asked to leave camp. When violated campers will “RUN”sprints and gassers as a group. Positive Vibes TALK Policy is always in place. Each Camper will be told about this policy day 1 Talk About Liable Keepers a keeper is someone who is supposed to look out for your well-being not bring harm to you in anyway. So, if anyone violates that trust TALK!
*Everyone Bring A Ball
* Must Wear Sneakers (no crocks or slides on court)
*Must Wear A T-Shirt Camp is coed
* Absolutely no talking back to coaches or talking while coaches or guests speakers are talking
Let’s have a safe, educational and fun camp!